Speaking of the bright side, I asked the gift store attendant if everyone here got special training to be smiley and friendly. He said no, it was just expected. And isn't that a wonderful thing? Although I have
occasionally scoffed at Disney properties for their facade of life as a clean, happy, whistling-a-tune-as-I-go kind of place, I rather like the concept. For a while anyway. I am not suggesting that we all go around with foolish grins or Pollyanna attitudes, but imagine how we could alter our realities if we each made a little more effort to be friendly, attentive, kind, and considerate.I don't think it would take away the raw edge of life, but it might blunt it a little bit.

This picture is of me (in my baggage-lost-had-to-buy-it new dress) and new friend, Kathy, from Connecticut. Kathy is a flight instructor and aspiring writer. We talked about flying, airplanes, writing, dreaming, universal guidance, and life philosophy both before and after my speech. She is such a nice person, she almost puts Disney employees to shame. At 26, she's already conquered so much of the world, and with a smile.
Best part of my job, as author and speaker:
The awesome people I meet.
xo, Cate
Sounds like another great adventure in your life. Even losing luggage has a bright side, if you take it in stride with the right attitude.