A New Way to Live
If you believe that one skin color is more desirable than another; if you believe that one religion is more right than another; if you believe that one style of life is more correct than another, I challenge you to shake up your beliefs. When societies and religions are governed by fear and hate, judgment and righteousness, exclusivity and superiority, they destroy the very fabric of our precious human existence.
Know that deep down we are all made of the same core atomic structure. When we rebuild our world in love and acceptance and inclusiveness, we will all be safe, and we will all be able to fly free, in whatever way we choose, without fear of attacks, military crises, or vengeful retaliations.
It starts one person at a time. It starts with you and it starts with me.
This is a repost of what I wrote last year on September 11. It hasn't changed. With so much strife and violence in our world right now, I felt it needed to be re-said.