I recently "met" a fellow author who has written an interesting book about traveling around the world for a year, living life as it came. As he tells it, "I mustered cattle. I volunteered with children. I went scuba diving. I grew a mullet. I fought bulls. I made love on a beach." And more.
Adam has a good sense of humor and an easy flowing pen. His first book, Scratch Beginnings, received a lot of positive press. He and I share the belief that you can go anywhere, regardless of how humble your beginnings and also the certainty that, in our increasingly global world, it is critical that we leave the comfort of our own country on occasion to see how the rest of the world lives. Travel opens our eyes to the human condition, in all of its shades. Travel sparks creativity, strengthens compassion, and interconnects us as one human race under one sky (hence the name of my publishing company "One Sky Publishing").
If you would like to check out Adam's book, all I ask is that you comment on this post. Start a dialogue. Have you traveled? Where? Why? How did it affect you? I'll send you a link to download his book for free. But his FREE offer is only good until next Wednesday, so act now.
Plus, I'll send you a link to download my book, SILENT SKY. The digital format will be free for a few days and I'll tell you how to get it.
Talk to you soon.
xo, Cate