Many of you read my first mystery, Silent Sky. Yes, I like to write about adventure and action . . . and yes, Reina is getting into trouble again. . . . She just can't help it!

Or, perhaps I'll get the guts to publish some of it one day.....
Anywho . . . I am making an effort to get my writing out there in the world. And that is where you all come in. . . . .
I would love it if you would all read the piece that just got published in the lovely, online elephant journal. Just click on the link below and check it out. Then, even if it is not your cup of tea, if you would be so kind as to share it (ASAP if possible as the internet world moves quickly) to your family/friends on facebook, google+, and any other social media you use, that would be so totally awesome!!
I hope you all know how much I appreciate the support and comments and love I receive from you! Keep sending me emails.
xox, Cate