I spent all of last weekend at the NW Aviation conference, speaking, and signing books, and chatting with friends, old and new. I met up with Ken Davies from the new flight school, Cascade Aviation, at Skagit airport. He is very excited about starting up some awesome programs that encourage women (Pink Squadron) and youth to fly. He has invited me to be involved with them. His energy and enthusiasm remind me of Out of the Blue Aviation.
Speaking of Out of the Blue, we had a little "reunion" a couple of weeks ago. It was so much fun, we've decided to make it a regular event. These are people I have a lot of great history with and to whom I owe all the success that was Out of the Blue. I definitely want to be a part of that type of flight school again - so I hope to be flying soon up at Skagit with Cascade. Skagit appears to be the happening airport right now, with the museum from Bellingham having just moved there and two restaurants and a lot of good energy. If anyone is interested in learning more about the flight school there, drop me an email.
In the meantime, I am finishing up my week here in Twisp, in beautiful Okanagon Couny, promoting women in aviation. I spoke today to the middle school and high school and alternative school. Tomorrow I speak to the grade school (fun!) then it is a book signing at Trail's End Bookstore and all day Saturday at the airport doing meet and greet. Plus I get to go fly tomorrow with my host, Bob, in his Cessna 170. I'll try to post some pics of the beautiful countryside here. Gorgeous rolling hills covered in snowy pines and a blue sky backdrop that seems to never end. All good stuff!
xo, Cate