for us to step into their arms
so they can dance away with us.
Those of you who know me, know I love to dance and I love to fly, so I like the imagery of the above saying. It's got wings (yeah, double entendre there), and dancing, and theater (the double). Okay, I'm not so big on theater and acting. Don't get me wrong; I'd like to give it a try if I had the time and the guts. But really, public speaking is not my favorite thing. Has anybody out there done Toastmasters? I keep thinking I should join a group. What about karaoke? I went out twice last week for karaoke and there were some pretty weak performances. But who cares? I admired them for getting up and belting out tunes.
In any case, I am getting a little more practice talking in front of people, with a whole bunch of speaking opportunities in the next two months. I am doing book readings and luncheons and dinners and school assemblies and conferences (if you're going to the NW Aviation Conference, I'll be speaking Saturday at 2:15 - come say hi!). I used to be quite susceptible to stage fright. Like anything, practice makes perfect, and I am finding that I enjoy the challenge of sharing my passions with groups of people.

What is it that scares you? What do you avoid? What do you secretly wish you had the guts to do? Sometimes, you just gotta step into whatever it is that scares you and suddenly you find you are dancing to new and exhilarating music.Or just doing something wild and crazy on the beach. Whatever works for you!
As always, I love to hear your thoughts via email at
xo, Cate