Winners from the International Women of Aviation week were just posted. Arlington won 2011 ‘Most Female-Pilot-Friendly Airport in the World’ - 1st runner up with 144 Girl-Flights in one day! An airport in MD was just ahead with 185 . . . if we had decent weather, we would have topped that! Woohoo!!
Anyway, that means KAWO pilots have access to a FREE live GPS training seminar. Check out the link above.
Some of our awesome pilots were winners too:
Marla Patterson: 2011 ‘Most Dedicated Female Flight Instructor in the World’ with 17 flights.
Casey Cowan: 2011 ‘Most Supportive Male Flight Instructor in the World’ with 23 flights.
Laith Barnhill: 2011 'Most Supportive Male Pilot in the World’ This earns Laith a ZULU watch from AOPA! Plus he won a $20 Gift Card - So you see, what comes around goes around - and Laith "went around" with 27 girls that day!
Other Pilot winners were:Mike Talley - $25 Gift card and LED flashlight; Lane Gormley - Wind-Tee T-shirt; Marla Patterson - Breaking Through The Clouds DVD; Jerry Sorensen - Penelope Pilot Book; OOTBA - $150 fuel card for most Remos flights
And this one is funny: Dick Smith - $150 toward his first Seaplane Lesson. Maybe you can fly your 180 on floats down for the lesson Dick . . . .
We also have many passenger prizes to be announced soon . . . .